Success Stories: Some of our proving points...


1. Majoring in Linux | Cloud Computing | DevOps



To non techies, the pathway into the sector is often bilateral; either you explore front end web development or you enroll in a coding academy. Rarely is presented a third way: Linux | Cloud  Computing | DevOps (“LCD”). The ITEM has focused on this critical skill set - LCD - as the foundation of its educational platform.

The Terminal, a journey to the center of the kernel

The Terminal, a journey to the center of the kernel


2. How does one get to Carnegie Hall? Practice!


One advantage The ITEM has is that its leadership are products of our own philosophy, which means we are uniquely positioned to mentor you along the way.

  • The key take away from our journey have been it’s going to take a lot of practice, not the hard skills but on the soft skill as well. 

  • Sharpen your tools by maintaining a server, practicing your Linux skills, getting familiar with bash scripting and other resources you will become familiar with such as Stack Overflow and Server Fault

  • Gain confidence, get familiar with tech culture, tech lingo, the "tech vibe"  and build projects that you can talk about?

  • Ready to get Started? Email us



3. If they trust us, you probably can too. 

Uber, Elsevier, thank you for supporting our mission!

Uber, Elsevier, thank you for supporting our mission!


To help support those serious about changing careers, companies like Uber and Elsevier are sponsoring students to go through our AWS Associate curriculum -- all the way to certification.

Our scholarship program also functions as a tool for community building, giving back and revenue generation.

If you need a little help, to find out more about how to become an Uber Scholar or an Elsevier Scholar here, please click here