The ITEM Academy
“What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” - Zero to One
The ITEM Academy is designed to train diverse talent with highly marketable certifications and practical skills, in as little as 180 days.
At the ITEM, the important truth we believe is that in Philadelphia, and US at large, everyone deserves a low cost pathway to a career with upward + financial mobility.
We focus on the technology sector because it currently has a talent shortage and enjoys average starting salaries of $60,000+. Further, the tech sector is growing twice as much as any other US sector.
In addition to an acute talent shortage, the tech industry repeatedly espouses its need to be more diverse and inclusive. But the headlines and hard numbers say there is more talking the talk than walking that walk.
The ITEM Academy is designed to train diverse talent with highly marketable certifications and practical skills and in a little as 180 days.
We provide employment opportunities to diverse candidates and a talent Pipeline to employers who are looking for qualified talent and/or to diversify their workplace.
Why we chose Linux | Cloud Computing | Devops as a Career Path:
Deonn Hurst is the Faculty Lead of The ITEM Academy. Going from a nanny to AWS certified as a Certified Developer Associate is evidence our system works.
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