STEP 1: Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a bit of a fluffy concept. We want to make sure you understand what CAREER OPTIONS you have once you learn say AWS. We’re going to use real estate to explain what you’ll be learning and how to apply in your career search.

Think of choosing a Cloud Computing provider like Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure as buying undeveloped real estate (raw land). In the real world, everything is built on raw land. Everything in the tech world is built ON TOP of the cloud infrastructure. But in the cloud, of course, it’s all VIRTUAL.

So when you learn about cloud, you’re going to real estate school. You can choose:

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The Business Lane to become:

  • A Project Manager who makes sure the owner chooses the right personnel for the job and makes sure the project gets finished on time and on budget; or

  • An Agent, i.e., a consultant who tells your client what kind of real estate to buy and why; or

The DESIGN & construction LANE to becomE:

  • An Architect, i.e., a consultant who designs the project for the client. She also advises the client on what CAN or CANNOT be built on the raw land based on the governing laws (usually) ; or

  • An Engineer who takes the Architect’s plans and actually implements them, preparing the land for construction. (She is often half Architect, half Construction worker); or



The construction LANE to becomE:

A Construction Worker who builds the buildings (applications) that sit on top of the raw land; or

The MAINTENANCE & storage lane to become:

  • A Storage Facility Manager, since cloud usually involves commercial real estate, storage is a critical aspect in keeping your tenants (customers) happy.

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