For Inquiring Minds
To the extent you are interested in our corporate status, here is some information to help guide you:
PA Corporation Registration (screen grab)
We are a Non-Profit
The ITEM is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation formed on May 21, 2015. Please email us at for our articles of Incorporation or other related Documents.
501(c)(3) status
The ITEM enjoys its Federal Tax exempt Status through its fiscal sponsor, Urban Affairs Coalition,which assumes the financial and legal responsibilities our financial health and well-being. They take care of our books and liability, we focus on bringing you Our programs.
Click here for UAC's IRS Letter of Determination.
MakeOffices is our home
Our offices are located at 1635 Market Street, Suite 1600, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103. We host our monthly Meetups there as well as our employment events such as Day Zero Hackathon and inclusion | hack.